Hey my name is Rachel, and i love to hang out w/ my friends, mostley Torie,Jackie,Becky,Dan,Aaron,Mike,and
Rachel R, & Colin cuz there really awesome, but anyways, i love to play sports, and i like to dance, i LOVE listening
to music mostly Rap and SOME Hip Hop
::Pepsi or Coke:: Pepsi ::Shoes or Sandals:: shoes ::DVD or VCR:: DVD ::Summer
or Winter:: Summer ::Spring or Fall:: fall ::Kiss or Hug:: kiss ::Chocolate or Vanilla:: chocolate ::Juice or
Soda::both ::Capris or Shorts:: shorts ::Shower or Bath:: Shower ::Draw or Write:: Write ::Day or Night:: Night ::Food
or Drink:: Both ::Britney or Christina:: Neither(they both suck) ::Ja Rule or 50 Cent:: 50 Cent ::Pizza or Spaghetti::
Pizza!! ::American Eagle or Abercrombie:: Abercrombie ::Chinese or Mexican:: chinese ::Burger King or McDonalds::
eww neither ::Pink or Purple:: PINK!!!!! i x3 pink ::Scared or Nervous:: Nervous ::Sad or mad:: sad ::Instant
Messenger or Phone:: Instant messenger! ::Freedom or Happiness:: Happiness ::Get Even or Get Over It:: Get over it ::Brother
or Sister:: Both ::Sink or Swim:: Swim..duh! ::Change your Past or know your Future:: change my past... ::Hot or
Cold:: Hot ::Blonde or Brunette:: Brunette!! ::Radio or TV:: TV ::Mall or Movies:: MALL!! ::Silver or Gold:: Silver
I'll add a pic later
