If you really Love something set it free, if
it comes back: it's meant 2 be, if it doesn't- it never was
-*-Love is giving someone the ability to *destroy* you,
and t r u s t i n g them not to-*-
*Loving someone might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking..*
you judge people...you have no time to Love them~
*Don't push anyone too hard, if it's meant to be, it will happen*
is when you dont wanna go to sleep cuz (rEaLiTy) is better then a dream-*- <3
Sometimes you meet someone and
before you know their name, before you know where they are from... you know that sometime in the future this person
is going to mean something to you.
~Sometimes the person you really need.. is the one you didnt think you wanted~
...EvErYbOdY needs that SoMeBoDy.... *You* could be that SoMeBoDy that SoMeOne needs
-*-LoVe happens...When
You Stop Looking For It-*-
Love is when you cry, when you laugh, when you smile... * Love is when you dream *
One Can Tell Anyone What Love Is; You Will Simply Know It When You Feel Nothing Else-
Guys can think it's all about
cash with you but like J.Lo says "my love don't cost a thing." Buying people things doesn't show them anything if the
feelings are really there they should show through your personal actions first before the money steps in. Love doesn't
have anything to do with money and money doesn't have anything to with love and if it does you must not be in love...
~*~LoVe CaN SoMeTiMeZ bE MaGiC. BuT MaGiC...CaN SoMeTiMes... JuSt Be An iLLuSiOn~*~
~Love starts with
a SMILE, grows with a KISS, and ends with a TEAR~
When in Love: be fair & honest, even when it hurts.
because lips have *MeT* Dont mean hearts have *JoiNed*
Life takes you somewhere, Love helps you get there.
means never having to say your sorry~*~
Love is patient and kind It is never jealous. Love is never boastful
Nor conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure
in other peoples sins But the lights and the truth. Its is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, And endure
whatever comes.
-To say that you can love one person for the rest of your life? is like saying that one candle
will continue to burn for as long as you live-
*True Love is not 2 souls coming together, But it's one soul...finding
it's other half*
*LoVe is the SwEeTeSt of DrEaMs, & the WoRsT of NiGhTmArEs*
Love comes and goes. But,
love doesn't come to dirty hoez. It doesn't come to those who play. So be a good girl everyday.
...LoVe is like
*quicksand*... ThE DeEpEr YoU FaLL, ThE hArDeR iT iS To GeT OuT
Go ahead and say it: I Love You You can say
it a *thousand* timez But -true- Love doesn't need to be told
~*Time doesn't matter, Love is *forever*~
is like a butterfly,* *HoLd it too Tight, It'll crush* *HoLd it too Loose, It'll fly*
-Love can make you do
things that you *never* thought possible-
~Love isn't something *dreamers* look for in reality~ ~Its something *reality*
looks for in dreamers~
You don't have to Love in words even through the silence, Love is always heard.
will never be practial, untill they can be made *unbreakable*-
-True love can't be found where it doesn't truly
exist, NoR can it be *HiDdEn* where it truly does-
LoVe caN RiP yOu ApArT BuT iF uR LuCKy iT cAn aLsO pUt
u BaCk ToGeThEr
Immature Love sayz:: i Love you because i Need you Mature Love sayz:: i Need you because I Love
-*If you fall in love, make sure there is somebody there to *catch* you*-
Love....It's incredible!
arrives as a tiptoe, but slams the door as it leaves*
*In love, it should never matter if you are the first,* *for
it is more important that you are the last*
i wiLL *LoVe* you YeT To LoVe yOu MaKeS Me *CrY* So FoReVeR I WiLL LoVe YoU & FoReVeR i sHaLL CrY
you asked me how I'm doing - I'd say just fine But the truth is baby, if you could read my mind Not a day goes by
that I don't think of you After all this time you're still with me?it's true
~*Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm
scared of who i am, What i saw, What i did, but most of all..I'm scared of walking out of this room, and never feeling,
for the rest of my life, the way i feel when im with you.*~
Even if he doesnt like me tomorrow, I knew he loved
me yesterday...3 * tell my heart to stop beatin * * tell my mind to stop thinkin * * throw a stone in tha
ocean.. * * and tell it to stop sinking * * tell tha sky not to be so blu* * its like tellin me not to be * -In
LoVe WiTh YoU-
*JUST [O n C e <3] i want to be _[H a R d . t 0 . L e a V e x/3] _i want someone to stay up [
a L L . N i G h T] thinking of [ me <3]
LoVe iS RaRe, LiFe Is StRaNgE--NoThInG LaStS AnD PeOpLe ChAnGe
love you, alwayz will, and I'm sorry for all I've done~ ~You'll always be in my *heart* and you'll always be number one~
*You may not love me today, tomorrow...or ever But i will love you until it kills me... and even then...*you
will be in my heart*
I'm tired of falling for guysz and getting hurt . for once i wannah fall ' . and n o t g
e t h u r t *
Love is almost like -S u i c i d e- You give so much to that special someone ... that you sometimez
end up killing yourself inside
You know you love someone When the mere thought of hurting them is enough to
break your own heart....
*Love is like Heaven...but it can *hurt* like Hell*
-*-Never be scared to tell someone
you love them, they may break your heart, but you may break theirs if you don?t-*-
If you love someone, tell them...
for hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.
Half Of MaH HaRt Is StiLL StUCk On HiM thE OtHeR HaLf On
YoU WiThOuT BreAkiNG MuH HeArt.. hOw Do i FiNd OuT WhO?
* L o V e * Its hard 2 Find...Easy 2 lose Makes
you feel good...but *hurts* so bad opens your eyes but makes you {blind} fills up your heart & tears it a p a r
LuV iS LiKe HoLding Ur BreaTh * SooNer oR LaTeR yU HaFta LeT Go
WhEn iNsIdE i'M cRyIn FeEL LyK dYiN iT'Z
aLwAyZ uR nUmBa DaT i Be DiALiN
Love can make you *happy* but often times it {hurts} but love is only special
when you give it to who it's worth
I see you next to never, how can we say forever.. wherever you go, whatever
you do, i will be right here waiting for you, whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, i will be right here waiting
for you...
*I'll alwayz love you, even if time findz me somebody new, you were my first love, from the first kiss
to the last tear*
I wish I could say I hate you but that would be a lie. I know I'll always love you and I'll always
wonder why.
If you are not ready to cry, if you are not ready to take a risk, if you are not ready to feel the
pain.... then you are not ready to fall in love.
...True love is like ghosts... which everyone talks about but
only few have seen
The last time my heart was broken i thought that it was through, i swore i'd never love again
and i believed that this was true. But then you walked into my life again and the second your eyes met mine, i knew
you were worth loving at least another time.
*They say love is hiding in every corner... well...i must be walking
in circles*
I do my thing...You do your thing, I am me...You are you, and if in the end we end up together.. then
it truly was meant to be.
All those nights when you were mine, i took it for granted and didn?t think twice, i
love you so much, i didn't know at the time, that you were the *meant to be* in my life I'll always regret that night
on the phone, telling you that you were just like the rest, i said i didn't love you and thought we should be friends,
now i just wanna tell you...* you're the best *
LoVe iS LyK wAr...VeRy eAsY tO sTaRt BuT vErY hArD tO eNd
is so [[overrated]] It leaves u *devastated*
y0u aLmoSt haD me tHinkIn, yOu weRe turNed aRound but evEry
bOdy knOws | AlmOst . dOesn`T . CouNt |
baby i would do anythinq for you. i'd neva trade anything* for your kiss*, for your hug. i've
dreamed of you for a long* time' and don't want anybody else, but you.
You'll find the {right} guy, the one
that tells you he dreams about [y][o][u] -->That's the one you want to be with.
Once you have one's love, don't
ask for more, because you have what is truly worth livin for.
Even though a kiss is very good... there is a
moment right before you begin that is even better.
Those nights you can't sleep, you just might be in someone elses
When you smiled, you had my undivided attention, when you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you, when
you cried, you had my urge to hold you, and when you said that you loved me, you had my heart forever.
If only
there was one more day, if only you didn't walk away, if only we could stay right here *Forever*
We showed
each other how to smile, even when life wasn't worth while.
y0u'Re KiSsAbLe aNd CuDdLy y0u'Re LoBabLe aNd SwEeT y0u
tHriLL mE eVeRy MiNuTe aNd SwEep Me oFf My fEeT YoU'rE cHaRmiNg aNd DiSaRmiNg DeSiRaBLe aNd tRuE YoU iNsPiRe aNd
iMpReSs Me and tHaT's wHy I LuV y0u
Love isnt about the hugs n kisses or the "i love yous" or the "i miss yous".. it's
about the butterflies u get and the chills that run down your spine..that pain u get when he walks away and . u dont know
Love is love, love is you, I love love, so I love you.
When i wake up in the morning...its you When
i can't sleep at night...its you When i'm tossin and turnin...its you When my body's yearnin...its you When i'm not
with you..i miss you and when im with you, i just wanna kiss you.
When I First Saw You I Knew It Was True I
Was MeanT 2 Fall In *LoVe* With You
*When i close my eyez, you are by my side and i can picture us *together* Every
night i pray there will be a way that we can make this last forever..*
i LoVe yOu i NeEd yOu i wAnT yOu *i.
C a n t. L i v e. W i t h o u t. Y o u*
His strong hands pulled me close to him, as one we climbed above, i
realized i had fallen safe, [[ into the arms of love ]]
To mE LoVe iS tHe sPaRkLe iN yOuR eYeS ThA sWeEt SoUnD
oF uR vOiCe ThA cUtE wAy U LoOk wEn U LauGh ThA wAy U sMeLL So WoNdErFuL, nO mAtTa WuT tHa FeeLiN i gEt wEn Ur cLoSe
2 Me tHa WaY i TaLk BoUt U aLL ThA TiMe ThA wAy I cAn'T gO 1 mIn WiToUt ThYnKiN oF u ThA wAy I wAnT 2 bE WiTh u EvErY
MiNuTe oF mY LiFe N eVeRyThInG rEmInDz Me Of U aLL ToGeThEr 2 Me...LuV iZ u N i KnOw i LoVe u
Like Jagged Edge
said your the best i had, like Usher cried i got it bad, like KC & JoJo I'm still goin crazy, and like Mariah
you'll alwayz be my baby!
Always be first to initiate, never be the first to let go.
Tryin to explain
my l0ve f0r y0u. is like tryin t0 explain c0lorz t0 a blind pers0n.. it`z just i m p O s i b L e
wrap your arms around me, an hold me tight in the middle of the night i'll make you feel alright.
Every day
I thank god that I met you You are my everything, my world, my soul, my heart I don't know where I would be without
you So baby I never want to be apart
*..I Looked At You As A Friend.. Then I Realized That I Love You Again..*
If you cant get someone off your mind, chances are, they're suppose to be there
I Love how I fall into
his arms after a long day -;- How he looks into my eyes, and tells me -» «- *. everythings gonna be okay .* -» How
he holds me in his arms, and kisses me when i {cry}. aNd no matter what happens ** He's always by my side **
are like air I always need you And I can't live without you
when we t0gether it feels s0 rite y0ur the b0y ive been l0okin f0r my wh0le life
life you'll find one person who'll touch you in a way, that will forever change you, & for me that person is you.
never knew what love was until I met you. I never saw anything amazing until I saw you. I never wanted anything more
until I wanted you.
tell me its real this feeling that we feel tell me that its real don't let love come
just to pass us by try.. is all we have to do it's up to me & you to make this special love last forever more
have said nothing because there is nothing I can say that would describe how I feel as perfectly as you deserve it."
I could have 3 wishes, I wouldn't wish for the stars, the moon, the riches and this life. But for 25 hours a day, 8 days
a week, and 13 months a year to spend a longer time with you.
.:+I'm dreaming of you tonight +:.
*I'd climb
the highest mountain, just to see you smile. I'd swim the ocean, just to hold your hand. I'd run a million miles, just
to be with you forever.
Sometimes you speak with your eyes, because you know that words can not explain the love
you keep inside.
.Forever. meant nothing to me, until I met you...
We live so far apart So when I can't
hold you in my arms I hold you in my heart
Never will I forget the time I spent with you. For I will always
find *you* in my heart, as I hope you will always find me in yours.
*I love you because I can't remember what
life was like ...before I had you.*
Every time I kiss you, it's like the first time, it takes my breath
~A kiss was designed for when words become unnecessary~
Lookin in your eyes- seeing all I need Everything
you are is everything to me These are the moments I know heaven must exist These are the moments I know all I need
is this I have all I've waited for And I could not ask for more
Every night with you, You make it seem like
the first night, you haven't changed a bit and that's something i wouldn't change for a thing
Every moment
spent with you is every one of my dreams coming true.
*I'll think of him and remember his smooth voice and beautiful
eyes and can't imagine myself with anyone else.*
~I never knew that I could want someone so *much*
*No matter
what I do,* *all I think about is you*
Anytime you need love baby I'm on your side Just let me be the one
that can make it all right Anytime you need love baby you're in my heart
I don't need a *dream*...I got you.
I'd do anything jus to hold u in my arms <3
I've Noticed That Being With You, I Smile a Little More Often.
I Anger a Little Less Quickly. The Sun Shines a Little Brighter, and Life is so Much Sweeter.
i've waited
so long to feel the touch of your lips the love of your heart the taste of your kiss
*i'm gunna love you
till the heavens start to rain, i'm gunna love you till the stars fall from the sky*
*If every word I said could
make you laugh, I'd talk forever.
I'm trying not to smile But my heart wont let me stop
Not many boys can
take my breath away But you...you don?t even have to try
*I'm gonna buy you 11 roses so when you look in the mirror
you will see the 12 most beautiful things in the world.*
I'd give my life for you in a minute, cause I can't
picture my life without you in it.
Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, .:.Love gives us
a fairytale.:.
Your my first thought every morning, And my last every nite. You are the safety in my darkness,
And the brightness in my lite. Your face is sheer perfection, your shyness makes me want you more. Your just a perfect
sight. I only hope that u love me as much as I love u, cause u and I were meant to be, as 1 instead of 2.
is no me [ w i t h o u t ] you
i Luv the way you talk and the way you smell* *Neva thought i'd
be trippin ova you ..but damn..i fell..*
BoY nO mAtTa WhAt i Do My hEaRt WiLL fOrEvEr bELoNg tO yOu
can touch just one time, but it can last for a *lifetime*
|L|o|v|E| -my anti-drug-
WiTh yOu bAby i fEeL
LyK i`M LiViN` a DrEaM iTs ThA bEsT dReAm I eVer HaD `n i HoPe iT nEvA eVa eNds
-*-With a thousand different
voices ringing in my ear. Listen to tha whisper only the heart can hear-*-
Lying next to you I feel your heart
beat against mine And it makes me smile Cause they beat [× t o g e t h e r ×]
*Last night i looked up at the
*stars* & matched each one with a reason why i love you... & i was doing great...until i ran out of *stars*
Heart Beats Faster Every time You Walk By, My Eyes *Sparkle* Every Time I Hear Your Voice, And I Love You More Every
time You Smile At Me!
i`m starry eyed for you i`m crazy for you i cant [ l i v e ] without [ y o u ]
come to love not by finding a *perfect* person But by *learning* to see an imperfect person...PeRfeCtLy~
When I
look into your eyes my whole world feels so right But to me it's no surprise Cuz ur the *best* thing in my life
my -mind- and you can have my body, *find* my soul and I'm yours forever
*My love starts at Forever and ends at
Never *
I hated the rain till I danced with u... & like the rain I fell 4 u...
Love puts the fun in
*together* The sad in ::apart:: The hope in {tomorrow} The joy in the heart
*Every time our eyes meet* *tHis
feeLin iNside me* *is aLmOst mOre thaN i kan take*
Words begin with ABC Numbers begin with 123 Music begins
with DO RE MI But *true love* begins with YoU & Me
Your *heart* is safe with me, I'll never hurt you...I'll
be there through everything, I won't make you cry...I know this world is cold, but in my arms you'll see...That your
heart is safe with me..
Don't fall in luv wit tha illusion, illusions are confusin, be in luv wit da reality!
I Do.. ..IS tHiNk.. ..oF YoU CuZ ThE FeELiNgs.. .I HaVe ArE sO vErY trUe. .EaCh dAy I wAiT tIlL wHeN. ..i
CaN tElL u ThAt I.. ..LoVe YoU CuZ.. ..BaBy iTs aLl.. .. yEw ..
*Love in your heart wasn't put there to
stay.* *Love isn't love until you give it away.*
~*Close your eyes and take the fall.*~ -If it's really love
then there's no risk at all.-
EvErY LiTtLe ThiNg He DoEs is ||MaGiC|| EvErY tHiNg He DoEs JuSt TuRnS mE oN Ya
KnOw My LiFe BeFoRe WaS *tRaGiC* BuT mY -LoVe- FoR hiM gOeS oN
When ur heart is in your dream no request is
too e x t r e m e
LOVE: The irresistable desire to be irresistibly desired.
..* I love you more than you will
ever know, but its just hard to let it show*..
wHaTz tOmMy wiThOuT cHucKy? sTeve wiThoUt bLue? SponGebOb
wiThOuT pAtRick? *.ThaTz.mE.wiThOuT.yOu.*
He makes me shine, he's so divine, I love him so much, I break out
in rhyme, He's all I can think of, he's all that is *true* Perhaps, that's why, I love you and everything you do.
* a rose is fragile...just like my heart... if you let it go, it will fall apart.. safe from harm, frozen in
time... i`ll always be yours and you will always be mine... never can i express how much i love you... by everyday
that goes by...i`ll show you i do.
Something in ur eyes just seems to *hypnotize* every time i look at u i get