Ten Reasons To Date A Volleyball Player
10. We know how to hit all the right zones. 9. Did
anyone say spandex? 8. We always scream and yell. 7. We're always on top of the balls. 6. We do it in 6 different
positions.. repeatedly. 5. We don't stop till we score. 4. We're down low and ready. 3. Not only do we tap that..
we hit that.. HARD 2. We know when to ease up and when to push harder. 1. Being on our knees doesn't bother us.
Basketball Player 10. Kicking Butt is the Same Way
As Smacking It 9. We know how to get low 8. We score on a regular basis 7. We know how to get into the game 6.
Some wear knee pads for a reason 5. We like getting hot and sweaty 4. We like it long and hard 3. We work well
with balls 2. We do it in 6 different positions in many different Plays 1. We like going up the middle
^^those r icky but for ppl there not?? idk
A ring is round right? It has no end That’s
how long We’re going to be best friends
People say best friends Are hard to find That’s
because the best Are already mine A best friendship is when two friends Can walk in opposite directions Yet
remain side by side
I Wrote Your Name In The Sand And The Water Washed
It Away I Wrote Your Name In My Heart And Forever It Will Stay
I’m here for you when you need help, When you
cry, When you try and don’t make it, When guys are being retarded And people aren’t helping you out
Look to me and I’ll help you I’m here for you when you cry and I’ll be here to help you, Until
the day that I die.
My best friends are Like a Fairy Tale They been there
since once upon a time And will be there until forever after.
Some friends will ask you Why you’re crying
but Best Friends will know exactly why And then go kick his butt.
I'm afraid of loving you, 'cause the next step is losing you, and my heart couldn't do that.
am so0 afraid t0 get close t0 anyone. There is this side 0f me, only I see..no-0ne sees 'me'. I was ready t0 show
you and y0u backed away. Now I am a closet with0ut a key. You'd have l0ved me if you saw the real me.
The idea
of being with you always made me happy ... until I realized you were perfect for me...now it just makes me scared.
been trying not to love you, I've been putting up a fight. I've been barely holding on and letting go with all my might.
There's a part of me that's empty, I know only love can fill. I'm afraid I'll never find it and scared to death I
Maybe I'm scared to say .:.I'm falling for you.:.<3
Every night I pray to God that the things you
say are true, because I'm so afraid that I'm going to lose you.
There's so much I can't say when I look in your
eyes, I'm worried you'll reject me, and hurt my foolish pride, Each day this love grows stronger but I could never
let you know, There is so much behind my smile, that I could never show, I'd hold you for a lifetime if you would
only let me in, I'd love you like no other, but you don't understand. Every time I see you, your holdin' on to her,
The pains like a knife, cutin' deep inside my soul, So I'll dream of us together of just how it could be and all
that you are will remain a silent part of me.
We have lived a lifetime most couples never know, and yet, when I look
at you, I am frightened by the knowledge that all this will be ending soon.
I'm shaking at your touch, I like you
way too much.. my baby, I'm afraid I'm falling [f o r y o u]
I've never been as confident of anything in my entire
life as I am about 'us'. And well, frankly, that makes me a little scared.
I am afraid to show you who I really
am, because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it... and that's all I got.
Even in the freezing
night air, you wouldn't keep me warm for fear that being so close to me, something would happen between us.
mean so much to me, that I'm scared to close my eyes and open them and see that you're not there. And I'm scared to leave
them open to see you leaving me.
I lose my step, I lose my ground. I lose myself when you're around. I'm
holding on for my life to keep from drowning in your eyes.
It's getting weird, I used to be able to say anything
to you and do anything around you. Now I just avoid you for fear of falling for you more than I already have.
don't know why I'm so afraid to lose you ...when you aren't even mine..
You're so afraid to continue what we have,
you know something's there, you feel just as much as I do when you touch me, you like it just as much as I do when you
kiss me, it's just your pulling away now because you know that if you don't pull away soon you might find yourself falling
in love and I don't think you're prepared for that.
I'm afraid that I'm not enough for you, and I never will be, and
if I do this, you'll realize that you've grown way beyond me and I'm just going to lose you again.
The first time
I saw you I was afraid to talk to you. The first time I talked to you, I was afraid to kiss you. The first time I
kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid of losing you.
But now, these days...I just
can't say as much as I want to your face. I've become scared to death of what you'll say back.
We can't be together,
you deserve someone so much better than me, and you know it, and it kills me that you know it. I can't handle being in
a relationship ...constantly scared that you're going to find that someone who you deserve.
Every guy is afraid
of something. That’s how you know he loves you. *´When he’s afraid of losing you.´*
I'm afraid
to admit that I'm in love with you, but I can't forget your eyes and I can't stop feeling your lips; your words keep echoing
in my head and you always make me weak. I don't want to mean it when I say, 'I love you', but I can't help it.
never wanna fly, never want to leave, I never want to say what you mean to me. I never wanna run, frightened to believe,
you're the best thing about me.
My body trembles.. I shouldn’t be shaking.. I am afraid.. I am so deathly
afraid.. I am scared that you are going to walk out that door, out of my life, out of my heart, and never look back.
You are going to realize what everyone else has. It just takes time. You are going to wake up one day and realize that
you can do so much better and you are going to gather your things and walk away and never ever look back.
--I close
my eyes and it's so real -- --and all at once I know just what I feel -- --And baby it's the kind of rush that terrifies.--
heartbreak, having to say goodbye, these are the things I hope never happen when I look into your eyes.
Maybe the
deepest part of who we are is what scares us or breaks our hearts and we don't want to share that with anyone and when
we do, we don't want to lose those people.
Love won't wait for you forever. If you let everything pass you by,
you'll never find out how beautiful life can really be. Don't be afraid to get hurt; if you don't risk something you'll
never gain anything.
I'm scared t0 g0 back t0 what we were, but I'm afraid 0f g0ing forward. * *
I'm afraid
to move. I'm so scared that this feeling will leave me as quickly as it came. I am so afraid that I will be alone once
again. I am so terrified that my heart is going to break. I am so scared that I'm going to be the one picking up the
pieces of my broken life once again. I’m just scared..