~A moment of anger can destroy a friendship that took a lifetime to build.~
~:-We ShOwEd
EaCh OtHeR HoW 2 SmiLe-:~ ~:-EvEn WheN LiFe WaSn'T WoRtHWhiLe-:~
CaNt Be rEpLaCeD NoBoDy CaN Do wHaT YoU Do NoThInG
CaN cHaNgE My fRiEnDsHiP WiTh YoU
If you died tomorrow, I'd be the first person to miss you. If you cried over
a boyfriend, I'd be the first person to call & make it better. If you needed a buck, I'd be the first one to lend
it..in fact, I'd give you 2. If you needed anything, I'd be the first person to give it to you. If I asked you to
do for me what I'd do for you, would you?
*Friends are the family we choose*
It doesn't matter where you Go
or what you HaVe, ::but {who} you have beside you::
"A good friend allows you a safe place to share your deepest
thoughts and needs-- without worry of being judged, criticized, or made to feel silly for feeling the way you do."
TeAr...EvErY SmiLe PrOvEs OuR FriEnsHiP WoRtHwHiLe
All the late night g i g g l e fests... The times we were
c.a.u.g.h.t. sneaking out... The phone calls that lasted for hours... All the s*o*n*g*s we'd memorized... All
the tears we've cried... All our inside jokes... And our 'Ladies Nights Out' All our broken hearts... And hearts
that we have broken... Through it all... You've been right there... Nothing can replace these {wonderful} times
we've shared. -BeSt FrIeNdS FoReVa-
When your *up*,your friends know who you are. When you're *down*, you know
who your friends are.
A true friend is the person who is there to pick you up when you *fall*, or to {carry} you,
when you can no longer walk
The relationship between best friends is an understanding.
You don't always have
to be together, you just know you always can be together.
Friendship is like china, *costly, rich, and rare* When broken it can be mended... but
the crack is always there.
If I could give you one gift my friend, I'd give you the gift to see yourself as others
see you, so you would know how very special you are.
N E iDiOt oUtTa ThEiR RyT MiNd.. kNo*z DaT mE N mAh GuRlZ
r WuN oF a KiNd
A friend will *strengthen* you with her prayers, -bless- you with her love, and encourage you
with her {HoPe}
Friends are like good bras... Supportive, hard to find, and close to your heart.
I got
my girls shining with me and crying with me. And after all the sh*t I put them through, I love the fact that they're
still -true-
Me and my girls are like stars. ~We're gonna shine FOREVA!~
Me And My Girls Don't Turn Heads..We
Break Necks!
AiN't nO sToPPiN' uS AiN't nO ToPPiN' uS
We Da UnBeAtAbLe..Da UnBeLiEvAbLe GeT iT oFF yOuR
cHeSt Me aNd mY gYrLs aRe dA BeSt!
~The road to a friend's house is never long.~
Friends may CoMe and
Go, but enemies ccumulate*.
~Friends are like wine....they get better with age.~
My gUrLs GiVe tHe MeAnInG oF tRuE ((fRiEnDsHiP)) tHrU
tHiCk & tHiN & aLL tHe ShYt tHeY*d bAcK mE uP iN aN iNsTaNt
* wE dO nOtHiNg aLoNe * EvErYtHiN ToGeThA
tHaTs cUz wE'LL bE BeSt FriEnDs FoReVa
Ladies and gentlemen, without further adue I'd like to introduce the ladiez
that stayed *tru*
YoU gUyS r ThErE tO GiVe mE aDviCe To BaCk mE uP wHeN tHeY sTaRt To FiGhT pHoNe cOnVeRsAtiOnS
ruNniN LaTe aT NiGhT uR fOrEvA mY gIrLs & FoReVa sO RiGhT
We tease, We please, We flirt, We Crush, Me and My Girls are the Washington
*You know how they say real friends don't stab you in the back, they stab you in the front? Well, I say that
*real* friends don't stab you at all & they don't carry knives.*
I met you as a stranger, I took you as a friend,
I hope we meet where our friendship will *never* end
My friend, my companion, through good times and bad, my friend, my
buddy, through happy and sad, beside me you stand, beside me you walk, you're there to listen,you're there to talk, with
happiness, with smiles, with pain and tears, I now you'll be there, throughout the years.
My HeArT-Ma WoRLd-Ma
LyF My 4eVa CrU YoUz GiVe Da TrU MeAniN oF FRiEnDsHiP
When your life falls apart always remember that I will be
the one who will stay to help you pick the pieces up and when the rest of the world walks out on you remember not
to close the door because I am the one who will be walking in to help you through it all. ::I am your BeSt Friend::
without a friend is like death without a witness.
{True} friends are the people who brighten your smile *everytime*
your with them.
:: I consider you my blood and it don't come no thicker ::
Who says there aint no miraclez?
There are friends arn't there?
A friendship is like a gold chain..each link is a memory from past to present.. Never
let the chain break or else the friendship will be gone.. Remember- gold is as valuable as the friendship is.
person with no friends is like a tree without its roots*
*~ Me 'N' mY gUrLz * * We Be MiNd ShOcKiN ** BoDy RoCkiN
* * RumP sHaCkiN * * MoNeY mAkiN * * SiTTiN HiGh * * LooKiN fLy * * LoOk At Us * * We So DaMn HoTt * * We Be
ChiLLiN * * In OuR #1 SpOt * * CaLL Us YoUr HiGhNeSsEs * * CuZ' wE'Re MG's FiNeSt!
yOuNG N rEbELiOuS wHo bEttEr
tHeN uS? nOt A Soul wErE oUttA cOntRoL *YaLL cANt StOp Us*
*..We HaVeN't BeEn FriEnDz SiNcE dOsE pRe-SkoOL dAyZ *..bUt
We'Ve GrOwN tOgEtHeR iN sOoO MaNy WaYz..*
~Friends don't let friends drink and take home ugly men~
yeS i MuST
CoNFeSS.. you SiMPLy aRe *THe BeST*