So much emotion
I just don't show
All the heartache and lies
ever cares to kno
Seems like Im alone
By mahself - This gurl
Nothings ever gunna change
Its me against the world..
SiNgLe MaMi
sTaNdiN RiTe HeRe
NooNe 2 HoLd ThA HaNd
SmiLeZ OvA
MaH CoVeReD TeaRz
BoYz WiLL giVe yoU PaiN
HeaRTacHe - BiTTeRNeSS - & - LiEz
iT CoMez 2 a ReLaTionShiP
Why ArE ThA LaDiEz ThA OnLi OnEz 2 TrY?
How can you promise that you're going to have the same feelings for
someone forever?
..uR juSt BeTTa oFF aLoNe..
Yea - Sometimes I am a BiTCh
Yea - Otha times ima sWeeTi
at times
I can be a LiL sLuT
otha times all i wanna do is CuDDLe
-This is mE-
& This is how i WaNNa bE
I was wrong to let you go
All i want is another chance
More than you
could ever kno..
~ I see you lookin @ mE
BoY iM lookin @ yOu 2
YoU look like YoU
could be EVERYTHING i NeEd
Just lemme be w/ YoU ~
A guy that loves himself for who he is
and isn't afraid to stand up for
what he believes in
-The kind of guy I need-
(o: I'm happy with who I am
I'm glad of how I turned out :o)
I love myself & am proud of it
This is me & what I'm about :o)
My Girls are with Me All ThA TyMe*
Thru ThIcK nD
ThIn nD All ThA CrImE*
LaDiEs nD GeNtLeMeN BeTTa MoVe OuT*
BcUz ThIs Is WhAt Me nD My GiRlS AbOuT!*
mean what I say-->I Love You!
I Lyke dis B0y-->
I really d0-->
How c0uld I g0 0n w/0 my
He d0esn't kn0w-->
But I want him t0-->
How c0uld I ever let him g0?-->
Friendz since
the Start-->
But 0nly Friendz-->
Will he ever L0ve me w/ his Heart?-->
*°Cute n' SwEet°*
liTTlE TrEaT°*
*°YeA ThAt's Me!°*
::.TwiSt n' TwIrL.::
.::SpOrTy GiRl::.
N' kIcK.::
.::ThaT'S tHe TriCk::.
Sand-->SuN-->Never Done!
Pool-->Flip.flopz-->Tank tOps!
Held Fans
PaRtY StaRtin'
HaIr fliPpin'
ShOrT sHoRts
TaN bAbE
Heinlett* was getting ready for her date with her "Internet" boyfriend Alex one saturday night. Her parents had forbid her
to see Alex but she disobeyed and one night, she sneaked out of her house to meet her online boyfriend. The only way she can
go meet him out of state was through her best friend *Jennifer Rockfield*. Because Jennifer had a car, she can drive Stephanie
to her online boyfriend (whom she never met before). Stephanie have had fantasies about this so-called boyfriend online when
they talked on AOL. she was very very happy that she can finally meet Alex. Alex and her had said they loved each other ALOT
and they have talked almost 4 hours each day on the internet with each other. Finally, when that day arrived, Stephanie grew
really happy and quickly climbed out of her window of her house and left with a little bagage with 2 pairs of clothes and
some food. She arrived at Jennifer's house since it was just a 10 minutes walking distance. There, they both drove out of
state and went to the address in which alex supposidely lived. When they both arrived there, it was about 5 AM in the morning
and soon, the sun was going to rise. The town the man lived in was very dark and dirty and the one the ugliest one they spotted
happened to be Alex's. As Stephanie and Jennifer rang the doorbell, they expected a *FINE* boy to walk out, but it was the
opposite. A man with a long beard and old and scary looking walked out and grabbed both of the girls in the house and locked
the door. Then he raped both the girls. It had said while investigating the yellow torn house, the man first tied Jennifer
to the chair but Jennifer was screaming so loud that Alex chopped off her thumb. While she was screaming, Alex raped Stephanie
in front of Jennifer. Nobody did survive at the end because after Alex raped the two girls, he killed them and ran far away.
To this day, no one knows where Alex is... in fact Alex isn't even his name. It is his grandson's name. Investigators have
asked around and found out that his real name was Dave. Investigators believe that Dave had an alziemers disease and he lost
much of his memory when his grandson Alex died. He loved Alex so much but he had died and Dave had to go on medication afterward.
Many belived He was very lonely in his little housethat he wanted two lovely girls to play with. Investigators are still trying
to track down where Dave could be. They have no more evidence whatsoever. Some more believe he couldve killed him self in
a forest after he killed the girls because he wanted to meet Alex in heaven. The lesson of this story is to never go out with
someone online you do not know. Remember -- results can be deadly and its better to be safe than sorry. * All names have been
changed after the incident.
I wonder,
Does he think about me the way I do?
Does he dream about
me the way I do?
Does he talk about me the way I do?
Does he wonder about me the way I do?
Does he fantasize about
me the way I do?
Does he love me the way I do?
I wonder.
No guts
No glory
No brains
Same story
Internet boys – they all seem hott n fly
But guess what? They
all tell lies
.:* Baby you're all that I want *:.
.:* When you're lyin' here in
my arms *:.
.:* I'm findin' it hard to believe *:.
.:* We're in heaven *:.
.:* And love is all that I need *:.
.:* And I found it there in your heart *:.
.:* It isn't too hard to see *:.
.:* We're in heaven *:.
--> DJ Sammy
It’s gonna be Love
It’s gonna be great
gonna be more then I can take
It’s gonna be free
It’s gonna be real
It’s gonna change everything
I feel
It’s gonna be sad
It’s gonna be true
It’s gonna be me baby
It’s gonna be you
It’s gonna be...Its gonna be Love
-It's Gonna Be Love --> Mandy Moore
All my life
I've been searching for you
So glad that
I found you boy
All my life
I've been feeling for you
I'm so happy baby
Happy --> Ashanti
Baby don't cry
Hope ya got ya head up
Even when the road is hard
Never give up
-Baby Don't Cry --> Tupac
As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together, and as our lives
change, come whatever, we will still be, friends forever.
-Vitamin C --> The Graduation Song
Said I wouldn't walk away
Some days I want to stay
But leaving
you is what I need to do to be okay
I never thought it would be true
Me living without you
So now it's time for
me to make that move...
-JLo --> "Im Gonna Be Alright"
"Why do you hate me, I came from nothin, blood, sweat and tears, you did
not create me, how could you doubt me? You know shit about me!"
-Eminem --> Dont Say My Name