~•¨Twinkle, twinkle little star¨•º ~
~•¨So I'll know where you are¨•º ~
~•¨Gleaming in the skies above¨•º ~
~•¨Lead me to the one who loves me¨•º~
What I need to find, Is someone to hold me tight... What I mean is I want to be Somebody's somebody...
Someone's someone...Some sweet lover's lover I wanna be that one Someone faithful to someone faithful...Someone
kind to someone kind to me Somebody to somebody who loves me
iM sUrE uVe hEaRd tHat bEhInD eVeRy GrEaT gUy tHeRES
a gReAt GiRL WeLL hAve u HeArD tHat bEhInD eVeRy GrEaT gIrL ..ThErEs a GuY sTaRiNg aT hEr AzZ..
I *TeLL* him
[EvErYtHiNg]...But -WHY- can't I ((TeLL)) him he means ^EvErYtHiNg^ to ¤.ME.¤?
Why are we still friends When
everything says We should be more than we are And tell me why Everytime I find Someone that I like We
always end up just being friends...
I need that guy who can make me laugh just by the way he says hello when I pick
up the phone. The guy who makes my hands shake when I'm sitting next to him. And the guy who isn't afraid to keep hugging
me when Im not ready to let go yet
*Do U eVeR wOnDeR WhY i TuRn AwAy WhEn u LoOk At Me.. NeVeR wAnTiNg Ur EyEs
To SeE.. tHiS HeArT tHaT KnOwS HoW PeRfEcT We cOuLd Be*
Sometimes I wonder what you think of me...Or if you even
do at all...
FeAr Of ReJeCtiOn KePt My LoVe InSiDe ToLd My HeArT i DidN't WaNt U bUt i LiEd I dOnT cAre iF
yOu ThiNk Im CrAzY iT dOeSnT mAtTeR iF iT tUrNs OuT bAd IvE gOt No FeAr Of LoSiNg YoU *YoU cAnT LoSe WhAt YoU
nEvEr HaD*
God sent me an angel from the heavens above Sent me an angel to heal my broken heart from being in love...
Cuz all I do is cry..God sent me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes..
There are people who take the heart
out of you..and those who put it back in..
|t'S we|rD hOw SomEt|mEs tH|ngS JuSt HaVe tO hAPPeN tO sEE hOw yOU aCtUaLLy
FeeL aBoUt sOmEOnE..
All I'm asking for is one night together. Just you and me. All alone. And if you can honestly
say you don't feel anything for me after that night, I will finally let you go
I've learned that you cannot make
someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them
I wiSh I hAd a MaN
wHo woUlD tReaT mE rIGht CaLl mE, n' B wIt mE dAy n NigHt cUte n' sWeEt tHas JuS wHaT I NeEd TaLl anD sTrOnG tO PrOtEcT
Me fRoM WrOnG sOMeonE WhO wOnT diTch Me fOr sOME OtHeR tRAMp & wIlL AlwaYs lOvE mE FoR whO I am
knows that yeah I'm kind of shy I'm not the kind of girl that who can ever approach a guy But I wanna find a way to
get you to notice me..
not everything in this magical world - is wat it seems -
disz mamii gOt tha sexxi eyEz
wit tha gOrGeOuS bOdy // juSz a SweeT LiL angel wit dah urge tO be * naughtiie *
B e a c h V o l l e y b a l
l You Cant Beat Me In This Game!
a smile can turn the grayness blue a smile can say i love you too a smile
can melt any young girls' heart then how come your smile still tears me apart?
*So Ur A mAn? BuT a MaN iS a
KiNg! A kInG iS a RuLeR! A RuLeR iS 12 InChEs! r U sTiLl A mAn?*
I don't know the key to success, But
the key to failure... Is trying to please everybody.
sOme peOple just have thOse daiiz.. but i just seem to
have that life..
`• - » dOnt tell me the skys the limit wen there are f0ot prints on the moon « - •
~*PrEtTy iN pInK BeAuTiFuL iN bLu GoRgEoUs iN gReEn aNd a LiL sExI tOo iT dUn MaTtA wUt CoLoRz oR sTyLeZ
i RoCk CoZ u HaTaZ wILL nEvA hAvE wUt i GoT!*~
Heaven for the climate Hell for the company
If you look
inside a girl's heart and see how much she cries you'll find secrets, bestfriends and lies, but what you'll see the
most is how hard it is to stay strong when nothing is right and everything is wrong
-(`v´)-«..theres no such
thing as a playa.. ..just little boys scared to get hurt..«(`v´)-«
. n e v e r . let yesterday* s [ m i s t a
k e s ] overshadow tomorrow* s [ d r e a m s]
*..ThOsE hOt SuMmEr NiGhTz..* * n* cUtE LiL FLiNgZ..hAhA bOyZ .
• ×l[(iTz A gUrL tHiNg)]l× • .
-*::x It's a Long [Road] x-*:: x 2 Face the World [Alone] x
unless you`ve lived my life
dont judge me cuz you dont - never have - an never will know what its like tO bE tHe 1 n OnLy Me
::Some say That
time changez:: ::Best Friendz Can become strangerz::
Ups and Downs INS and OUTS Best.Friends.Forever Without
ANY Doubts
:*cInDeReLlA wAlKeD oN bRoKeN gLaSs*:. aNd SlEePiNg BeAuTy LeT a WhOlE lifEtImE pAsS .*:LiFe Is BlOoD,sWeAt
aNd TeArS *:.LoVe MeAnS [fAcInG aLl YoUr FeArS]..
x hOld On tO wHat yOu lOvE O sTay tRu tO wHat yOu knO x
tAke eVrytHinq yOu dReAm oF O aNd nEvEr -- LeT iT gO --
Everyone wants happiness.. Noone wants pain.. But
you can’t have a rainbow.. Without a little rain*
This grL right heRe aint 0ne t0o give up i'll d0 w.e
it tAkes t0 kEep mi heAd up
jack and jill went up the hill and planned to do some kissing, jack made a pass
and grabbed her ass, and now his front teeth are missing!
LiFe TaKeS YoUr DrEaMs -N- TuRnS eM UpSiDe DoWn fRiEnDs
TaLk ShYt BoUt YoU WhEn YoU AiNt ArOuNd PeOpLe MaKe PrOmIsEs ThAt ThEy JuSt DoNt KeEp I'vE CoMe To rEaLiZe (T.h.A.t.
T.a.L.k. I.s. C.h.E.a.P.)
nd` i'm rollin` with my top down `seat `back rollin` ` in my cadallac self control
knowing right from rong is what I ............ x ........... lAck
iM SicK oF Th3sE LiL BoYz & Th3 GaM3Z
tH3Y pLaY 3iThEr U WaNT M3 oR U dONT -BoUnC3 oR StAy-
* im a little princess, not just an ordinary gurl, n this
little princess, will rock ur world, so jus sit back n enjoy the show, cuz once ur with this cutie, ull never wanna
let go, so b careful wit my heart, n b gentle wit my mind, cuz this little princess is one of a kind*
no point in trying to rush fate . the best thiNgs iN life are worthh the wait
i could be your best kept secret &
your biggest mistake..<3 the only thing you'll get, is this curse on your lips - i hope they taste of me forever..
come on girls, try to take my man and youll be running as fast as you can
no more time
to be single no more boys to mingle
material girl who'll rock ya world
i got your back if you got mine but
if you dont the you best be watching yours
just shut up and kiss me cause one day you'll miss me
a penny... go buy yourself a life, and bring me back the change
I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me He
said I was being ridiculous ...everyone hasn't met me yet...
Amatuers built the Ark..professionals built the titanic ^^wats
wrong with this picture?!?!?^^
I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, But I never knew looking
back on the laughs would make me cry
SoMeTiMeS i THiNK iF i BLiNK.. He`LL DiSaPPeaR
SoMe PeoPLe LiVe iN a
i uSeD To HaVe a HaNDLe oN
LiFe BuT iT BRoKe
So MaNy BoyS-So LiTTLe TiMe.... FouND THe RiGHT oNe BuT He CaN NeVeR Be MiNe
name)*- not just a name ..an attitude..
Nice package front and back, but having a boi is what i lack.
what? joqqin' who? this is a different game now, it ain't two thosand two.
this game is not about fashion or
over priced shoes. it's about intestinal fortitude; guts. my mind is sharp and my will is iron. i may not be the
biggest player out there, but nothing is larger than my determination becasue i came to play and i will beat you every
just because i flirt, it don't mean i'm a hoe, unlike most girls, i learned to say "NO"
angel face.
baby doll. what they always wanted me to be. i'm sick and tired of doing shit for other people, now i'm gonna
do just me.
yOuz HoOkEd On CrAcK yOuz HoOkEd On WeED yOuz HoOkEd On PhOnIcS AnD yOu sTiLL cAnT rEaD
NOT DISTURB* (( iM diStUrBeD eNoUgH aLrEaDy ))
·..·*¨)look at me now(¨*·..·» (¨*·..·»tell me what you see«·..·*¨)
«·..·*¨)its a whole new game now(¨*·..·» (¨*·..·»im not the girl i used to be«·..·*¨)
gRab yA guYz n gRab yA gurLz sUmma'Z hErE nO nEeD to fEaR lOng dAys sUnbaThiN' leAn lEgs
nEaTly sHavEn wEar Ya tYte n KUtE clOthEz cUz tRu bEaUtY rEaLlEe sHowZ
sPoT a HoTtiE oN dA bEacH oNe yA
rEallY waNnA mEeT rOll yA tOUnGue n HaVe sOme fUn mAybE he'LL bE Ya *nUmbA 1*
HoT sUn × FLiP FLoPs ShOrT
sHoRtS × TaNk ToPs aLL dAy × aLL NiGhT PaRtYiNg × FooD FiGhTs SuNgLaSSeS × BeAcHGeAr gEt ReAdY × sUmmEr'S
hErE! x
i WaNNa Be iN Da TiKi SPoT WHeRe Da iSLaND BoyZ R HoT X HoT X HoT
i Be THe HoTTie By
THe Sea i Be THe BeauTy By THe oCeaN iLL Be THe oNe To SHoW youR SuMMeR a GReaT DeVoTioN
THe eDuKaTioN 4GeT eVeRyTHiNG JuST HaVe FuN STay iN THe SuN
ya SuMMeR a LiL SPiCe
LoNG DayS iN Da SaND LooKiN aRouND To FiND a MaN LayiNG ouT To GeT a TaN aLWayS
NiTeS iN a CuTe LiL HuT PaRTieS THaT
NeVeR SuCK SuN STReaKeD HaiR aND a NiCe TaN HaViNG THa FeeLiNG oF... i DoNT GiVe a FuK