You might call me rude But this is what i feel I ain't gonna stop being me I'm gonna remain
No ones gonna change you And I won't even waste my time I'm gonna find someone Who will treat me right
drink what you want And smoke what you see Acting like your real saying Baby this is me Quit trying to fit in Cause
your friends do it to Don't hide behind your cloud of smoke Cause it really isn't you I can't believe how true this
is Even though you say your different You fit the description perfectly Tryin' to joqq my shyt? nahh didn't
think so 'Cuz no matter what you copy, you're still just a silly hoe.
While they dance, how she holds him pulls
him close. while he counts down the days till he lets her go. it's the same old story that everyone knows one
heart holdin' on and the other lettin' go. phatty girl lookin' so fly i'll never settle for just one guy.
beggin' me to "holla back" 'cuz this shortys got that shyt that their women lack. do you expect me to sit at home waitin' lonely
by the phone for your call after you been out all night two words for you boy ... yeah right ... we never leave
eachothers side it's like one makes the other survive
all the hoes drool over the men i get while their girls
are cryin' "is it over yet?"
i'm not the type of girl to be all for one guy. i prefer to be close with every
boy passin' by. i do what i want with 'em and then we're through i'll move to the next inline ... maybe it'll be
you ...
you know what bytch? i'll date who i want, break who i want. you all can't joqq this, can't stop this. keep
dreaming, you'll never top this.
they say good things come to those who wait, but uh, i'm still waiting.
can picutre us on the floor, boy you'd be beggin' me for more.
hip huggers, tight shirts. high heels, short skirts. rollin'
in the club, and papis say "ooohwee" while the hoes are mumblin, "damn, i wish that was me."
you give females a
bad name. walkin' around with that nasty fame. your just a bytch who plays her game. angry boys know who to blame. girl
you nasty, walkin' around dressed trashy. hunny, where your class at? you think you're hott shyt? nah ho, that's
please talk to my face, last time i checked .. my boobs can't hear ..
sexy little shorty... 100
percent. tryin' to kill my rep ?? nah, you won't make a dent.
what's this sh!t you're tryin' to pull? sounds
to me like a whole bunch of bull. you betta shut your mouth and you better do it fast 'cause i ain't gonna let your
sh!t last. you call me sh!t, i know, i know. but too bad for you, i don't stoop that low.
there goes the girl
with the greatest body every where she goes guys break their necks and say "damn, you're a hottie" she walks with her
body, just a shakin', not even aware of all the guys she's takin'. she's gotta body like heaven and curves that won't end, playas
wanna bow down and hoes wanna be her friend. like missy elliott, lemme work it. like trina, pull over 'cuz my ass is
so phat. like lil kim, i'm a queen bee, there ain't no b!tch with a better body no hoe can top me.
i want
to taste your kiss with my glossed lips slip your hands in the pockets of my jeans huggin' my hips. unbuttoning my shirt
slowly with your free hand, whispering in my ear, "baby, i wanna be your man."
sweet hunny, with the baby phat
tee. there's no hoe that looks better than me. tight denim prada jeans rolled up to the knees i can give you pleasure
or just be a tease. hair done up in corn rows, lookin' madd hott. i ain't no prude, i'll give you what i got.
got those thugs in check for sure. shakin' a little something, jaws drop to the floor. knock out body with the sparklin'
eyes. she walks in the room, hoes roll their eyes. jealous b!tch, 'cuz you ain't got no game? sh!t, you hoes are
all the same. hatin' on the ones that got somethin' going, you just mad 'cuz your ass ain't flowing.
ThA sKy Is bLaCk n ItS nItE ThA mOoN iS oUt N tHa TiMe Is RiTe Fo Me To pLaY wIt aLL dEm
BoYz N mEsS dEm Up LiKe LiL tOyZ So TeLL mE sOn...U rEaDy YeT? To HaNdLe Me ThA tRu PiMpEtTe
Im pLaYa
Of ThA yEaR pImPeTtE oF tHa SeAsOn He LeFt U n Im ThA rEaSoN tHeY SaY iM uP tO nO gOoD aNd I sHuD SeTtLe DoWn
BuT i DoNt WaNnA sTaY wIt JuS oNe MaN cUz A pImPeTtE LiKe Me GoTtA sAmpLe WuTz aRoUnD
*SwEet-sExi-CuTe As
cAn Be* *Not EvEn Ja RuLe CaN PuT iT On mE*
~Me*N*MaH gIrLs ArE...mind shockn body rockin, earth shakin money
makin, sittin high lookin fly hEaD tUrNiN StOmAcH cHurnInG, bOrN WiLd nAuGhTy cHiLd, cHiLL GiViN cRaZy LiViN kinda HOTTIEs
~I run mah game like monopoly so I dare one u bytches to land on or take mah property~
~ guys r fun ... so
r toys ... but there aint nothin lyke thoes LaX bOys!!!!!
To all da haters:You think youre hot,but you know the deal...well
its me and you know who be keeping it real!!
To everyone who eva calls me a b!tch I got somethin to tell you... A
B!tch has 4 legs I have 2... B!tches say bow-wow i say fuk you... SiLLy HoEs DuNNo SHYT! iM dA SwEeTeSt bYtCh
YeW cAnT sToP sWeAtiN BuT mOsT oF aLL iM dA bYtCh yOu KnOw YoU aInT gEtTiN
Dont hate me just to hate me
Hate me cuz you aint me Im the main attraction Gettin all the satisfaction Doing all the teasin Gettin
all the pleasin Cuz I be shakin mah hips While them boys be lickin their lips
All you girls think youre tough...
Well all your stuff aint that rough... You think you know the deal... But its me & my girls who be keepin
it real
ThUgZ b SaYiN sHoRti U rOcK mY wOrLd.. LeTz MaKe iT u aNd Me 4gEt AbOuT mUh GurL
iM a
FLy AsS cHiCK..TrUsT mE bOo iM dA GuRL u WaNnA gIvE yA LaSt namE tO.. LoVe iz wheN u CaNt pAy aTtEnTiOn in cLasS CuZ
aLL u Do iS wRiTe uR fIrSt nAmE wIt hIs LaSt
SwEeTa tHaN hUnNy HoTtA tHaN hELL FiNeSt LiL mAmI As EvErY
gUy CaN TeLL
v PrEtTy iN [pInK] BeAuTiFuL iN [bLuE] GoRgEoUs iN [gReEn] aNd a LiL [sExY] tOo iT dUn
MaTtA wUt CoLoRz oR sTyLeZ i rOcK] CuZ u HaTaZ wILL nEvA hAvE wUt [i GoT]
F-ck the fake bytches that talk shyt F-ck
the people that spread shyt F-ck the people that believe that shyt You weren't the only one having bunches of fun I
kept it on the down low To bad you didn't know
We can show you how it's done Cuz wid us- it's alla bout fun We got the coolest guys and
the sexiest chicks We're the class of * 2 oh' oh' 6 *
*..ItZ nOt PmS..i JuSs DoN't LiKe YoU..*
AnD yOu..We CoULd MaKe It SoO hOt..SoO i GoT oNe QuEstiOn BaBe..WhY nOt?..*
*..REMINDER..HaTiN oN mE wOn'T mAkE
yAh PrEtTy..*
*..ItZ kiNdA fUnNy HoW a HeArT iZ sHaPeD LiKe 2 UpSiDe DoWn TeAr DrOpZ..*
AnD cHeAtIn'-Na DaT aIn'T mAh StYlE TaLkIn' ShYt 'N' sTaYiN' Low-Na DaT sHyT's OfF dA dIaL ReVenGe Is ThE oNlY oNe WoRtH
dA wHiLe So WhEn AlL u CaN dO iS tAlK 'n' DiSs ReMeMbEr DiS~:~ReVeNgE iS a ByTcH..*
*..It TaKeZ sO LiTtLe
2 MaKe Me SmiLe..I LiKe It ThAt WaY..*
*..Do It 2DaY..CuZ iT miGhT bE iLLeGaL 2MoRrOw..*
*..i SuGgEsT
u bE CaUtiOuS.. mY sTyLeS So sLiCk iT MaKeS HoEeS NaUsEoUS.. YeT ThEy aLL LoVeE * KyLa * CuZ sHeS GoRgEouS..*
Da TrUe DyMe 4EvA gOnNa ShiNe..ThUgZ bEtTeR wiZe Up AnD rEaLiZe DaT diS huNnI iZ oNe oF a KiNd..*
*..He PuT hiS
hAnD rOuNd My WaIsT aNd AsKeD mE hOw I * TaStE *..*
*..ChIcKeN hEaDs WaNna tALk LYK dEy kNo Us WhEN iN rEaLiTy
dEy CaNT cOmE nEaR uS ByTcHeS gOtTA lEaRn wErE dA sHyT n iTz tUfF sHyT..wE kNo DeY tHeY fEaR uS..*
mAH bOy aNd oNLy MInE sO wHy u TrYiN hArD aS u CaN? iN dA woRdZ of NiVeA *DuN mEsS wIt mY MaN*..*
nOt tO YoUnG tO ReALiZe iD bE dA bAbY gIrL tO LiGhT uP yA eYeZ YoU gOtTa LeArN tHaT iMmA bE tHeRE eVeN iF yOu dOnT
wAnNa CaRe..*
*..BaBeS iS FuLLy EqUiPt GoT u LooKiN At Da HiPz FeeNiN JuSs 2 KiSs mY LiPz..*
ThE WaTcH AiNt pLaTiNuM Nd ThA RoCkS NoT bLuE PiCtUrE U ByTcHeZ NoT KnOwiN HoW i DoO PiCtUrE MeE BeTtA YeT PicTuRe YoU DrAwiN
A BeTtA PiCtUrE dEn ThE 1 i DrEw..*
*..MuH cELLy'Z riNgiN oFf DaH hOoK ..DaMmN.. SoMeTiMeS iT sUx LoOkiN
diS gOoD..*
*..Me AnD mUh GuRLz RuN diS sHoW aNd ALL u JeALoUz HoEz ArE jUsS tRyiN tAh MaKe Us RuN SLoW..*
AbOuT uS aLl YoO wAnT We JuSs KeEp WaLkIn Nd DoIn OuR tHiNg WhIlE u StAnD tHeRe LoOkIn StUpId Nd WhIsPeRiN oUr NaMeS..*
sOo haRd tO bEe sTrOnG wHen u lOve tHe tHinG tHat maKeS u tHe wEaKeSt..*
*..I'm So HoT..i'M sO fiNe..I'LL bE
yOuR 6 If YoU bE mY 9..*